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Home soundproofing

5 Reasons to Soundproof Your Home

Your house is where you go to relax, it should be a quiet, comfortable place that you can call home. If you’re constantly frustrated with noisy neighbours or disturbed by street traffic, your house won’t feel like the relaxing haven that it should be. By soundproofing your home, you can create a peaceful environment to unwind from a long day in.

1. Health

Taking care of all aspects of your health is essential. Soundproofing goes further than just creating peace and quiet. By soundproofing your home, you can improve your health and overall quality of life.

Lessen the Chance of Hearing Damage

Constant exposure to high noise levels can cause long term damage to your hearing. By lessening that exposure and reducing noise levels, you can lower the chance of long-term hearing damage.

Reduced Stress

Stress from noise

"Soundproofing reduces stress"

Working from home can be tricky if you’ve got noisy neighbours, screaming kids, and dogs barking. Having somewhere quiet to work where you can focus and get your work done undisturbed can create a better working environment and reduce your stress levels.

2. Privacy

Privacy is one of the biggest reasons people soundproof their houses. Ensuring your personal life is kept private from those around you is an essential element to a home. It’s also ideal if you’re hobbies are somewhat loud (piano playing, carpentry, dancing to loud music etc…) so you’re not disturbing those around you.

3. Noisy Neighbours

Noisy neighbours are a common problem. Especially if you live in a terraced house that typically lets plenty of sound in. By soundproofing your walls, you can reduce the amount of sound you can hear between you and your neighbours, stopping you from having noisy neighbours and preventing you from becoming one yourself.

4. Reduced Traffic Noise

Road raffic noise

"Reduce traffic noise with soundproofing"

A good night’s sleep is incredibly important both to our physical and mental health. Living next to a main road that constantly produces noise can make sleep and relaxation difficult. By reducing that noise pollution from outdoors, you can create a better environment to sleep, relax, and live in.

5. Increased Home Value

Home value

"Soundproofing increases home value"

Soundproofing has become increasingly sought after when it comes to buying a house. By adding soundproofing to your home now, you can increase the value of your house and give it a competitive edge on the market.

Should You Soundproof Your Home?

Whether or not you should soundproof your home is a completely individual decision and depends entirely on your personal circumstances. However, if you struggle with noisy neighbours or constant street noise, we highly recommend soundproofing your home.

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